The Ultimate Guide to House Restumping: What You Need to Know

Your house is one of your most valuable assets, and it deserves to be taken care of properly. One of the things you should consider is restumping your house. Restumping involves replacing the stumps or piers that support your house, which can significantly improve its stability and safety. In this blog, you will discover everything you need to know about house restumping, including signs that indicate it's time to restump, the restumping process itself, and the benefits of restumping. [Read More]

Tips for Having House Restumping Done When Restoring an Old Home

There are lots of different jobs that have to be done when restoring an older home, particularly if the home was neglected for a while or if the home is really old. Restumping is one of the jobs that often have to be added to the to-do list when restoring an older home, so you might want to learn more about this process. These tips can help you if you're worried about how the restumping process will go and if you want to be sure that it's done right. [Read More]

Why It's Important to Keep Your Warehouse Floors in Good Condition

If you have a warehouse or another similar business, then it's important for you to keep an eye on your flooring to determine when it needs to be repaired. When your warehouse flooring is showing signs of being worn out or damaged, it's important to perform the necessary repairs. These are a few reasons why these repairs are so important. Redoing Your Warehouse Floors Could Be Expensive If you neglect your warehouse floors, then you have to worry about them eventually needing to be replaced. [Read More]

3 Signs Your Property Needs Expert Salt Damp Inspection and Treatment

Rising damp happens when the moisture from the ground moves up through the walls or floors of your property. Salt damp is a form of rising damp in which the moisture contains some dissolved salts. When it is hot, the water evaporates, and the dissolved salts turn into hard crystals. Salt damp is a significant problem in Australia due to the high content of salt in some areas. Also, the temperatures in Australia are relatively high, which increases evaporation rates. [Read More]